INI first photobook "Chrono" Amazon limited cover

INI first photobook "Chrono" Amazon limited cover

2023.08.30 RELEASE


Photo: Tomoki Kuwashima
List price: 3,300 yen (tax included)
Specifications: A4 size deformation / normal production / 176 pages
Release date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Publisher: Yoshimoto Books
Publisher: Wani Books

11-member global boy group INI releases the long-awaited first photo book!
This film is filmed in Thailand with the theme of "a journey to confirm bonds" and "as it is now". You can get a glimpse of various expressions, such as enjoying the beach and pool with the members, and relaxing at the summer resort. In addition, we have compiled a large volume of 176 pages that is also fulfilling as a reading material, such as a round-table discussion to look back on the shooting, and 30 questions answered by individual members. Please experience their current moment with this one book.

INI first photo book "Chrono" special page
