Saturday, November 4, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Ariake Arena Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Sunday, November 5, 2023 Open 11:30 / Start 13:00
Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Ariake Arena Open 11:30 / Start 13:00
Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Saturday, November 11, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super Arena Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Sunday, November 12, 2023 Open 11:30 / Start 13:00 Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super Arena Open 11:30 / Start 13:00
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Nippon Gaishi Hall Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Nippon Gaishi Hall Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall A Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Thursday, November 23, 2023 Open 11:30 / Start 13:00 Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall A Open 11:30 / Start 13:00
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 K Arena Yokohama Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Thursday, November 30, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 K Arena Yokohama Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Saturday, December 2, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Hiroshima Green Arena Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Sunday, December 3, 2023 Open 11:30 / Start 13:00 Hiroshima Green Arena Open 11:30 / Start 13:00
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Osaka-jo Hall Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Thursday, December 21, 2023 Open 17:00 / Start 18:30 Osaka-jo Hall Open 17:00 / Start 18:30
Inquiries about performances
【東京/神奈川】DISK GARAGE:
【愛知】サンデーフォークプロモーション:052-320-9100 (12:00~18:00)
【福岡】キョードー西日本:0570-09-2424 (平日・土曜11:00〜15:00)
【広島】キャンディープロモーション:082-249-8334 (平日11:00〜17:00)
【大阪】キョードーインフォメーション:0570-200-888 (平日・土曜11:00~18:00)


Ticket price common to all performances

All seats reserved

11,000 yen (tax included)

  • * A play guide fee will be charged separately.
  • *3 years old and over pay, no admission under 3 years old
  • * Up to 2 tickets can be applied for per performance per person.

Family reserved seat

11,000 yen (tax included)

  • * A play guide fee will be charged separately.
  • *Family reserved seats are reserved seats for "families and companions with children aged 3 to elementary school age on the day of the performance" who want to sit and watch the live performance. is.
  • *One ticket is required for each child. Children without tickets are not allowed to sit on their laps.
  • * Up to 2 to 4 tickets per person (you cannot purchase only 1 ticket)
  • *This seat is a seat that everyone must sit and watch during the performance. You cannot stand up to view. (Children under the age of 3 are not allowed to enter)
  • *Family reserved seats cannot be entered by adults or by children alone.
    <Patterns available for application>
    ① 1 adult + 1 child
    ② 1 adult + 2 children
    ③ 2 adults + 1 child
    ④ 2 adults + 2 children
  • * Up to 2 adults (parents and junior high school students and older) and up to 2 children (3 years old to elementary school students on the day of the performance) are allowed to enter. If you do not meet the conditions, you may be disqualified or may be refused entry. In that case, we will not refund the ticket fee, handling fee, etc.
  • *We may ask you to present something that can confirm the age of your child at the time of admission. Please bring a health insurance card, resident card, etc. that can confirm the age of your child.

Annotated reserved seat

11,000 yen (tax included)

  • What is annotated reserved seat?
  • *Due to seat positions and equipment, it may be difficult to see the performers, the entire stage, images, and parts of the production. Please be aware of this before applying.
  • *Please note that the degree of visibility may vary depending on the seat position.
  • *Refunds and seat changes are not possible after purchase due to viewing environment.
  • *3 years old and over pay, no admission under 3 years old
  • *One person can apply for up to two tickets per performance.

General sale

Reception period 2023年10月28日(土)10:00~
  • *The sale will end as soon as the planned number of tickets is reached.
  • *There are no plans to sell tickets to the general public only for the Tokyo performance.
subject 【申込者】FC会員・非会員(PID必須)の方含めてどなたでも申込可能
  • ※購入枚数制限:1公演につき2枚まで
  • *Tickets will be issued using the official INI app. The official app is required for electronic ticket issuance.
  • *To apply, you will need to register as a member of Ticket Pia (free of charge) in advance.
  • *Accompanying persons do not need to register as members of Ticket Pia.

Apply for Tickets 

Family reserved seat precedence * This precedence is limited to domestic members.

Reserved seats with notes INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB members first

Pia Early Pre-Reserve (Advance limited to Pia card members)

Ticket Pia play guide fastest advance

[INI MAIL Members Only] Advance Ticket

[INI Official Fanclub Members Only] Advance Ticket

INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB fastest precedent



MAIL W会員抽選会

INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB、INI MAIL両方に加入していただいているW会員の方を対象に抽選会を行います(チケットをお持ちでない方もご参加いただけます)。

  • 特賞



  • 参加賞



当日、会場に掲示されているPOPのQR コードからアクセスして出てくる引き換えページを、INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースにてご提示ください。

2023年11月4日(土) 有明アリーナ/11時~18時予定
2023年11月5日(日) 有明アリーナ/9時~18時予定
2023年11月11日(土) 宮城セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ/11時~18時予定
2023年11月12日(日) 宮城セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ/9時30分~12時30分予定
2023年11月14日(火) 日本ガイシホール/11時~18時予定
2023年11月15日(水) 日本ガイシホール/11時~18時予定
2023年11月22日(水) マリンメッセ福岡A館/11時~18時予定
2023年11月23日(木) マリンメッセ福岡A館/9時30分~12時30分予定
2023年11月29日(水) Kアリーナ横浜/11時~18時予定
2023年11月30日(木) Kアリーナ横浜/11時~18時予定
2023年12月2日(土) 広島グリーンアリーナ/11時~18時予定
2023年12月3日(日) 広島グリーンアリーナ/9時30分~12時30分予定
2023年12月20日(水) 大阪城ホール/11時~18時予定
2023年12月21日(木) 大阪城ホール/11時~18時予定
  • ※公演のチケットをお持ちでない方も参加可能です。
  • ※開演30分前に終了予定となります。1日2公演実施される会場では2回目の公演の開演30分前に終了予定となります。
  • ※抽選は1日1回となりオリジナルトレカの引き換えも1日1枚となります。
  • ※オリジナルトレカの引き換えはランダム配布となります。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ※引き換えたオリジナルトレカを転売するなどの行為が発生した場合は企画自体を中止する可能性があります。
  • * Those who joined on the day are also eligible.
  • ※異なるPlus member ID(メールアドレス)でINI OFFICIAL FANCLUB、INI MAILを登録している場合はW会員とはなりませんのでご注意ください。 詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。
  • ※INI MAILは、2023年7月25日18時(JST)より海外住所での登録ができるように仕様変更されました (。
    仕様変更後は、異なるPlus member ID(メールアドレス)でINI OFFICIAL FANCLUB、INI MAILを登録されていたお客様につきましては、 INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBと同じIDでINI MAILに登録可能となります。
  • ※ご自分がW会員かどうかは下記のテストページをクリックし、引き換えページはアクセスできるかご確認ください。 引き換えテストはこちら
  • ※1つのPlus member ID(メールアドレス)ですべてのサービスをご利用できるように付け替えも可能ですが、電子チケットのお申し込み状況・所持状況等や、お問い合わせいただく時期次第では対応できない可能性もございます。時間に余裕をもってご確認ください。
  • ※INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースの位置は会場によって異なります。当日、会場の案内をご確認ください。
  • ※配布予定枚数に達し次第終了となります。ご了承ください。

“Meet & Greet”概要


2023年11月4日(土)~12月21日(木)に「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」の月会費まとめて払いコースに新規入会された方、
およびお友達を「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご紹介いただいた月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方で【公演当日FCブースにお越しいただいた方】に特典として、

この機会に「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご入会いただき、オリジナルヘアブラシをGETして下さい!




「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」月会費まとめて払いコースに新規入会された方

  • ※月会費コース・同月内の月会費からのコース変更は対象外です

お友達を「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に紹介いただいたご紹介者の方(= 「INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に登録済の月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方)

  • ※月会費コースは対象外です。月会費からのコース変更は対象となります。
  • ※月会費コースにご登録されている方で、これから月会費まとめて払いコースにグレードアップしていただき、お友達をご紹介いただいた方も対象です
  • ※お友達を紹介してくださった既存会員様は"新規ご入会者様とご一緒に各公演会場にご来場いただきFCブースにお越しいただいた方のみ"が対象となります
  • ※いずれの場合も月会費コースの方は対象外です


  • ※ご紹介者の方がいらっしゃる場合は、ご一緒にFCブースへお越しください。
  • ※公演期間中1回のみの引換えとなります


  • ※ご紹介いただいた新規ご入会の方がお二人の場合、オリジナルヘアブラシを2本差し上げます。
  • ※引き換えは1日1回となります。別々のタイミングで別の新規入会された方とお越しになられてもオリジナルヘアブラシはお渡しできません。必ずご紹介者と新規ご入会された方、全員お揃いになってから引き換えブースにお越しください。

各公演 FCブース開始時間~開演30分前

  • ※開演中および終演後の引き換えは行いませんので、あらかじめお時間に余裕をもってお越しください。
  • ※上記期間中のご入会であれば、会場内のご入会でなくとも問題ございません。
  • ※公演当日のみ引き換え可能です。後日の対応はできかねますので注意ください。
  • ※当日の状況によって、引き換え時間等は変更になる場合がございます。
  • ※特典はなくなり次第終了となりますので、予めご了承ください。




「2023 INI 2ND ARENA LIVE TOUR [READY TO POP!] 」と合わせてお楽しみください!
公開しましたらINI 公式アプリのプッシュ通知、INI official X にてお知らせいたします。




Event notes

Notes on ticket sales
About application
  • ・Eligible applicants (applicants and companions) differ for each advance. Please be sure to check your eligibility before applying.
  • ・Regarding each advance application, it will be "only once per person. Up to 2 tickets per performance." * When applying for 2 tickets, it is necessary to specify a companion.
  • ・If you apply for 2 or more tickets, electronic tickets will be issued to the terminals of the applicant and accompanying persons.
  • ・Please prepare a smartphone suitable for the recommended environment of "INI OFFICIAL APP" for the accompanying person.
  • ・With one application, you can select from 1st choice to 5th choice (optional) for each advance, and there is no duplicate winning for the same date and time performance.
  • ・ Even if you apply as a companion, the number of applications will be counted as one.
  • ・It is not possible to change the accompanying person information or the number of tickets for each desired performance. Please note.
  • ・ Duplicate applications within the same precedence may be invalid.
  • ・Applications with different applicants/accompanied persons within the same precedent, or applications made separately from other applicants/accompanying persons may be subject to disqualification. After consulting with your companions in advance, please apply only for the representative.
  • ・Even if multiple winners/purchases are made, no one other than the person himself/herself (name displayed on the ticket) will be allowed to enter. In addition, information change, ticket cancellation, refund, refund, etc. are not possible at all.
  • ・The name of the applicant/accompanying person (the name registered in the fan club or the name registered in Plus member ID) will be displayed on the ticket. When applying, please be sure to apply under the name of the visitor.
  • ・We do not accept name changes after application. The name displayed on the ticket is the registration information linked to Plus member ID at the time of application.
    It is strictly prohibited to transfer even between family members or friends. No changes will be accepted for any reason, so please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • ・If illegal trading is discovered, we will refuse admission. In that case, we will not be able to refund the ticket or bear the transportation expenses.
Application for overseas residents
  • ・For overseas members, please apply from "Overseas Members" displayed after tapping "Click here to apply" on the reception page.
  • ・Electronic tickets can also be used on overseas smartphones. The phone number you enter on the application screen can be an overseas phone number.
    *If you are unable to receive your electronic ticket on the ticket pick-up start date, please contact Ticketpla Customer Support below.
  • ・If you live overseas and do not have a Japanese mobile phone number, you can use your overseas smartphone, but the SMS function is required.
  • ・Ticket-Pla Trade is a service for Japan only, and those who do not have a domestic bank account cannot list items. Please note.
About electronic tickets
  • ・Tickets for this performance will be issued electronically through the "INI OFFICIAL APP".
  • ・Electronic tickets are scheduled to be picked up two weeks before each performance date. (Seats will be displayed on the day of the performance.)
  • ・If the companion does not have a smartphone, only those who applied at the time of application will be able to display the ticket of the companion together on the applicant's terminal.
  • ・This advance ticket cannot be distributed.
  • ・If you cannot participate due to unavoidable reasons, please use the official trade.
Admission method/personal identification
  • ・If you are selected as a winner, please be sure to register your face photo on the Ticketpla by the deadline, including the applicant and accompanying person. If you do not register your face photo, we will refuse admission.
    *Those who have already registered do not need to re-register. You can check your registration status on My Page.
  • ・The name and face photo of the purchaser will be displayed on the face of the ticket, and the identity of all visitors will be confirmed by presenting the electronic ticket when entering each venue. If we are unable to confirm your identity, we will refuse entry regardless of the reason.
  • ・If you do not register your face photo, we will refuse admission. Even if you have registered your face photo, we may ask you to show your ID if it is difficult to verify your identity.
  • ・When visiting the venue, the purchaser must bring a "valid ID*" that can verify the identity of the name written on the ticket.
  • ・On the ticket, the name registered in Plus member ID at the time of application will be displayed. Only the person registered with Plus member ID at the time of application can enter. No changes will be accepted for any reason. Please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • ・The registered name cannot be changed. If the surname registered for each OFFICIAL FANCLUB changes due to various circumstances, please contact FANCLUB with the details clearly stated.
    *On the day of the performance, please prepare an ID with your new surname on it.
Other notes
  • ・Each ticket advance will be a lottery. It is not on a first-come-first-served basis, so please check the precautions regarding the performance during the reception period and apply so that there are no mistakes. After the reception is closed, a fair lottery will be held from among all applicants to determine the winner.
  • ・It may be difficult to connect immediately after the start of reception and near the end of reception due to the concentration of access. Please allow enough time to complete the application procedure.
  • ・We cannot answer any inquiries/requests regarding seats.
  • ・We may ask you to provide your emergency contact information when purchasing tickets or visiting the venue.
  • ・Please note that we may provide necessary information upon request from government agencies, local governments, etc. regarding your personal information. The information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than the purposes described above.
  • ・No cancellations/changes/refunds can be made after purchasing tickets for any reason whatsoever. As an exception, we may inform you of a refund if the performance is cancelled.
  • ・We will prepare a special area for visitors in wheelchairs. If you would like to purchase a ticket with all seats reserved, please be sure to contact us at least 5 days before the performance. Please note that wheelchair seats are limited.
Other notes
About resale/transfer
  • ・It is strictly prohibited to resell tickets purchased at this reception to a third party for any reason. The act of providing/transferring to a third party for resale is also prohibited. Purchase of tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited.
  • ・Reselling includes listing at auctions, bidding, buying and selling on the Internet, buying and selling through ticket shops, purchase agencies, scalpers and malicious third parties.
  • ・If we find that the item has been exhibited at an auction or resold at a high price, we will refuse entry to the exhibitor and purchaser.
    In addition, if we can confirm the resale, etc., we may check the identity of the relevant seat on the day of the performance. If we cannot verify your identity, we may refuse your admission.
  • ・Tickets (entertainment tickets) sold at the reception of this performance will be "specified event admission tickets", and it is prohibited to transfer them for a fee at a price exceeding the sales price of the promoter without permission from the organizer. I'm here.
  • ・The organizer is not responsible for any troubles caused by reselling or transferring tickets.
Notes on performances
  • ・This performance will be held in accordance with the guidelines of the government and local governments. Please follow the entrance/exit flow and viewing rules set by the organizer.
  • ・Performance dates, opening/starting times, performers, etc. are subject to change without notice.
  • ・In case of bad weather, the performance may be canceled or the contents may be changed. If the performance is held, we will not be able to refund even if you cannot attend due to natural disasters. Please note.
  • ・Please note that refunds cannot be made even if there is a change in the performance content or performers. In addition, transportation and accommodation expenses to the venue will be borne by each individual.
  • ・In the future, the contents of the information may change in accordance with the guidelines and guidelines indicated by the government and local governments.
  • ・We kindly ask visitors to read the precautions on this page carefully and cooperate in observing them. Also, please be sure to follow the precautions specified on the INI official website and official fan club.
  • ・Persons who violate or fail to comply with the precautions set by the organizer may be refused entry or may be asked to leave.
    If you are a fan club member, you may be asked to withdraw from the fan club.
  • ・It is prohibited to wait for performers to enter or exit. Troublesome or dangerous behavior may lead to the cancellation of the performance. At the venue, we ask for your cooperation in guiding the staff.
  • ・We may check the identity of visitors (applicants and accompanying persons) at the time of admission. If we cannot verify your identity, we will refuse your entry regardless of the reason. Please make sure to bring a valid ID.
  • ・Those who have lost or forgotten their tickets will not be allowed to enter for any reason. Please note that it cannot be reissued.
  • ・There are no cloakrooms in the venue where you can leave your luggage. Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. The organizer will not be held responsible for any damages such as theft or loss.
  • ・Supporting goods (OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK, fans, etc.) during the performance are prohibited from being too tall or large to interfere with the performance or other customers' viewing, as well as being a nuisance.
  • ・Details on how to enter on the day of the performance and precautions regarding measures against infectious diseases ・The latest information will be announced on this special website and official SNS as needed, so please be sure to read and visit us.
Regarding sound recording, video recording, and photography
  • ・Bringing photography/recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with a photography function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) into the venue, photography with cameras, mobile phones, etc., filming video, audio recording, live streaming Acts such as (live broadcast by audio and video) are absolutely prohibited to protect the rights of the artist.
  • ・Since voyeurism and eavesdropping with smartphones/binoculars with shooting function are occurring frequently, if the smartphone is sticking out of your bag or pocket during the performance, or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars, the staff will check it. There is Please set your smartphone to silent mode and store it securely in your bag.
  • ・Please note that if someone is found taking pictures or being recorded, their equipment will be immediately confiscated and they will be expelled from the venue. The organizers and artists will not be held responsible for any accidents, thefts, etc. caused by not following the staff's instructions.
  • ・Please note that in this case, we will not refund the ticket price.
  • ・Acts that interfere with the work of venue staff may be recorded or photographed in order to maintain order at the venue. Please note.
  • ・On the day of the performance, a video and photo camera will be installed. Please note that the customer's appearance may be reflected.
Regarding fan letters/gifts/flowers
  • ・We do not accept gifts, congratulatory flowers, stand flowers, fan letters, etc. for the performers. Please note that if you arrive at the venue, we will refuse it.
Regarding support goods and volunteer projects
  • ・Products that use materials other than INI support advertisements (photos published from the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken secretly at places where photography is not permitted, such as performances) Please be very careful that selling and distributing to an unspecified number of people constitutes an act of infringement of INI's portrait rights, regardless of whether the seller is profitable or not. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to protect the portrait of the artist.
  • ・It is prohibited to bring support goods such as boards other than official INI goods.
  • ・However, the following items can be brought in even if they are not official goods.

    [What you can bring in]
    Slogan * Within the official fan size: about W295 x H420 (mm)

    [Items that cannot be used or brought in]
    Slogans that use materials other than INI support advertisements (characters, photos published from the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken secretly at places such as performances where photography is not permitted, etc.) , Fans larger than the official size, boards, sketchbooks, other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.
  • ・When using cheering goods, please refrain from holding them above your chest.
  • ・It is prohibited to protrude from your seat when using fans, slogans, etc. *Please note that the seat size may vary depending on the venue.
  • ・If the staff determines that it will interfere with the production or cause trouble for other customers, we may refuse to use it.
  • ・It is possible to decorate official goods as long as they fit within the size of each product.
  • ・We cannot intervene, cooperate, or support even if you contact us for permission to execute a project by volunteers.
  • ・It is prohibited to sell or distribute unofficial goods using INI's portrait or name in the venue premises, nearby facilities, or public places. In addition, such acts are not permitted at all.
  • ・In the unlikely event that unauthorized sales/distribution is discovered, the product will be confiscated and the identity will be confirmed, and if it is found to be a fan club member, the member will be expelled. . In the worst case, in order to prevent recurrence, we may inevitably take legal action against filming, recording, or recording without prior notice of the voyeur or eavesdropper as an illegal act. Please refrain from such actions.
    Also, unless the number of people who purchase such unofficial goods decreases, it will be difficult to reduce the unauthorized sale and distribution of unofficial goods. We kindly ask for your understanding that this is an act that violates the rights of the artist.
About OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK interlocking (pairing)
  • *Only penlights brought to the venue will be linked at "2023 INI 2ND ARENA LIVE TOUR [READY TO POP!]".
  • ◆Pairable penlights:
  • About interlocking (pairing):
    ・Be sure to replace the battery with a new one before linking. [Alkaline AAA batteries x 3]
  • ◆ Linking method:
    ・Please turn on the power before the performance begins. Press the button on the stick to turn it on.
    ・ INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK is equipped with a wireless control function, so it will automatically link up when you turn it on.
    ・There is no need to launch the official app. (There is no need to enter your seat number.)
    ・Light stick control and pre-lighting checks may be carried out before the show begins.
    ・When the performance starts, the lights will go out and the device will switch to preparation mode. Please rest assured that this is not a malfunction.
  • ◆Other precautions:
    ・Currently, those who set the color of their OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK with their own app, or those who set it to blue flashing Bluetooth mode will not be reflected in this performance.
    ・If you have already made any settings, please press and hold the button for 3 seconds or more to turn off the power once, and then turn on the power again.
  • ◆Notes on batteries:
    *Batteries are not included, so be sure to prepare them yourself in advance.
    *Batteries will not be sold at the venue on the day of the event, so please prepare them in advance.
    *Make sure that the positive and negative sides of the battery are set correctly.
    *When inserting the socket into the battery cover, be sure to set the socket so that the convex portion of the socket faces upward.
    *This product consumes a lot of battery power. If even one battery is insufficient, the power will not turn on or the light emission will be defective. Use three new alkaline batteries for each use.
    *If the penlight is stored with the battery inserted in the battery socket, it will leak and the battery will run out in half a day.
    *If you have any questions about the operation other than the above, please visit the OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK support booth at each venue.
Requests to customers when visiting
Requests at the venue
  • ・All ticket sales for this performance will be handled as electronic tickets in order to reduce contact opportunities with paper tickets and to register all visitor information. When entering the venue, please operate your smartphone, etc. by yourself.
  • ・Tickets for this performance are sold after confirming the name and contact information of the purchaser and accompanying person at the time of ticket purchase.
  • ・As of May 8, 2023, the government's "Basic Policy for Countermeasures against Novel Coronavirus Infections" has been abolished. Please make your own judgment based on the above.
  • ・The government has released "Infection control information" as a reference for voluntary infection control measures, so please refer to it. (
  • ・Wearing a mask is left to the discretion of the individual. The wear of the performers and staff will also be considered as an individual decision. During the performance, we ask for your cooperation in taking care of other customers, such as coughing etiquette.
  • ・You may enjoy the cheers, cheers, singing, conversations and shouts during the performance without wearing a mask.
  • ・However, please refrain from speaking at a volume or number of times that may make other guests feel uncomfortable.
  • ・Please stand or sit in your seat during the performance. It is prohibited to leave your seat, run forward, lean forward, etc., and act in such a way that the distance between the customers on the front, back, left, and right becomes closer.
  • ・Inside and outside the venue, any crowding and trading of goods is prohibited.
  • ・If you feel unwell after entering the venue, please immediately notify a nearby staff member.
  • ・Please note that the staff will call out to visitors who appear to be unwell. In addition, we ask for your understanding that we may refuse entry depending on the situation.
  • ・Do not move or exchange unnecessary seats during the performance.
  • ・During the performance, eating and drinking for purposes other than hydration is prohibited. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted/drinking is prohibited.
  • ・Regarding the business of the shop, we will inform you at each venue.
Requests when entering
  • ・In order to prevent resale of this performance, tickets will be received through the "INI OFFICIAL APP", and the name and face photo of the purchaser will be displayed on the ticket.
  • ・If the ticket cannot be displayed due to lack of smartphone possession or incomplete registration, admission will be refused regardless of the reason. * Excludes those who are under the age of 18 and have applied for not having a smartphone at the time of application.
  • ・Even if you are unable to enter, we cannot provide refunds.
  • ・We may check your identity on the day of the performance. Identity verification may be performed by both the applicant and the accompanying person. We will refuse admission if we cannot verify your identity or if fraudulent/resale acts are discovered.
  • ・On the day of the performance, in order to improve the safety of the venue, there will be a bag inspection when entering the venue. Please note.
  • ・It is prohibited to bring electronic devices (cameras, binoculars with shooting function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) and dangerous items into the venue. We are unable to store luggage at the venue, so please store your luggage such as suitcases in a nearby coin locker in advance and compact your luggage before visiting.
  • ・If you find prohibited items, please follow the instructions of the staff. You will be admitted as soon as it is confirmed that there are no prohibited items.
  • ・There is no temperature measurement at the entrance. Please take care of yourself.
  • ・After leaving the venue, please move quickly without staying around the venue.
Prohibited matter
(Persons who fall under any of the following may be refused entry.)
  • ・Those who cannot follow the instructions and requests, and those who judge that it will interfere with ensuring safety. Also, if such an act is discovered during the performance, you will be asked to leave the venue.
  • ・Those who are under the influence of alcohol. If the staff judges you to be under the influence of alcohol, you will be refused entry. Drinking alcohol may raise your body temperature, so please refrain from drinking alcohol before your visit. Also, bringing in alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Merchandise sales and sales of CDs, DVDs, etc.
  • ・Regarding venue sales and EC sales of concert goods, we will inform you as soon as the details are decided.
  • ・When selling concert goods, we will separately inform you of the measures and precautions for the sales area.
valid identification
(All with face photo / no copying / within the expiration date)
  • *Copying is not allowed for all items. Please bring the actual item within the expiration date.

    ■If you have a photograph of your face, please bring one. This includes:
    1. Passport
    2.Driver's License/International Driver's License
    3. Official license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)
    4. Basic Resident Register Card
    5. Physical disability certificate
    6. Resident card or special permanent resident certificate
    7. My number card (notice card is not acceptable)
    8.Welfare notebook
    9.Insurance card with photo
    10.Student ID card with photo
    11. Rehabilitation notebook
  • ・If you have an official ID other than (1) to (11) above, please contact Ticketpla customer support at least 2 days before the performance.
  • ・Also, if you do not have any of the above (1) to (11) or an official ID, please bring the document <If you do not have a photo ID>.
  • ・When using an Individual Number Card (My Number Card) as an ID, please present only the front side (the one with the photo). Please do not present the back side (the side with your personal number printed on it).
    In addition, in the case of identity verification, we do not look at the back side of personal number card (my number card).
  • ・Individual number (My Number) notification cards (paper cards with individual numbers printed on them without a photo) cannot be used as identification cards.
  • ・Please note that student ID cards for those over the age of 19 will not be accepted, even if they have a face photo.
  • ・If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo of your face, please see <If you do not have one with a photo of your face>.
  • ・Please note that photocopied/handwritten/expired/unusable documents will not be accepted for identity verification documents.

    ■ If you do not have a photo ID
    <Please bring 2 official IDs> *You cannot enter with only 1 official ID.
    Official certificates: health insurance card, resident card, copy of family register, extract of family register, seal registration certificate, pension handbook
    *Please keep all official certificates in the same state as they were officially issued. In addition, resident cards, certified copies of family registers, and extracts of family registers will be valid within six months of issuance.
    <Please bring 1 official ID and at least 1 document with your name printed on it> *You cannot enter with only 1 official ID.
    Anything that has your name printed on it: employee ID card, student ID card without photo, credit card, cash card
    *Utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various postal items will be invalid even if your name is printed on them.

    ■ Items that are not accepted as ID
    Copies of the above, handwritten items, expired items, various point cards, utility bills for electricity, water, gas, etc., and various postal items Lending and borrowing of health insurance cards is prohibited by law. The use of forged or forged identification is a criminal act.
Contact information
Inquiries about tickets