■Purchase a set of 3 formats and receive one "2L size photo" (1 type of members together) *We will also give you 3 "trading cards" (OFFICIAL STORE ver.) that you can select from the member purchase benefits for each format (FRAME IN ver. / OVER THE FRAME ver. / MULTI-FRAME ver.). →All three cards will be trading cards of the same member. What's more, we are also holding a lottery campaign for double bonus limited items! For details, click here → https://store.plusmember.jp/ini/ [General precautions] * Bonuses will end as soon as they run out at each store and site. *Please contact each store directly for inquiries regarding the availability of bonuses. *Some stores may not carry bonuses, so please contact each CD shop for details. *Scheduled details may be subject to change without notice. Please note in advance.' data-wovn-src:-original-content='2024年6月26日(水)発売のINI 6TH SINGLE『THE FRAME』(FRAME IN ver./OVER THE FRAME ver./MULTI-FRAME ver.)を対象店舗にてご予約(ご購入)いただくと、下記の先着特典をプレゼントいたします。いずれの特典もなくなり次第終了となりますので、お早めにご予約ください。【対象店舗限定特典】◆TOWER RECORDS全店3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(TOWER RECORDS ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)①TOWER RECORDS店舗限定絵柄(一部店舗除く)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。※TOWER RECORDS ONLINEと絵柄が異なります。店舗リスト:https://tower.jp/store/②TOWER RECORDS ONLINE限定絵柄※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。※TOWER RECORDS店舗と絵柄が異なります。オンラインURL:https://tower.jp/article/feature_item/2024/04/23/0701◆HMV全店、全国のローソン店頭Loppi端末3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(HMV ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)①HMV店舗限定絵柄(一部店舗除く)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。※HMV&amp;BOOKS online、Loppiと絵柄が異なります。店舗リスト:https://www.hmv.co.jp/store/list/②HMV&amp;BOOKS online、Loppi限定絵柄※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。※HMV店舗と絵柄が異なります。オンラインURL:https://www.hmv.co.jp/news/article/240419107/◆TSUTAYA RECORDS(一部店舗除く)/TSUTAYAオンラインショッピング3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(TSUTAYA ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。オンラインURL:https://tsutaya.tsite.jp/article/music/2374.html◆楽天ブックス3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(楽天ブックス ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89×W63mm予定)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。URL:https://r10.to/hUJW0B◆セブンネットショッピング3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(セブンネットショッピング ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。URL:https://7net.omni7.jp/search/?keyword=ini20240626&amp;searchKeywordFlg=1◆ネオ・ウィング3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(Neowing ver.)1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。URL:https://www.neowing.co.jp/product/NEOIKT-1806CDJapan(OVERSEAS):https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOIKT-1806◆Amazon.co.jp3形態のいずれかをご購入で、『メガジャケ』を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H24㎝×W24㎝予定)※ご購入いただいたCD形態と同一絵柄のメガジャケを1枚お渡しいたします。URL:https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?field-asin=B0D22YBSMX|B0D22ZMRG3|B0D233J27M◆UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE3形態セット購入で、『CD収納BOX(CD3形態収納可)』をプレゼント※全11種類の内、1種をお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※ご希望メンバーをご選択いただけます。※裏面には共通で集合1種類の絵柄がついています。※2024年5月22日(水)までにご予約いただいたお客様は必ずご希望メンバーをご選択いただけます。※2024年5月23日(木)以降にご注文の場合、なくなり次第終了となります。さらに!各メンバーの直筆ソロサインが入っているCD収納BOX 110個をランダムでお届けいたします。(各メンバー11名につき10個ずつ/合計110個)※3形態セット購入のお客様のみ<INIモノグラムロゴ入り配送箱>でお届けいたします。→1回のご注文につき、3形態セットの注文数にかかわらずINIモノグラムロゴ入り配送箱は1箱となります。また、他商品との同時梱包はできません。INIモノグラムロゴ入り配送箱は数に限りがあります。なくなり次第終了いたします。URL:https://umusic.jp/L4137Akj◆LAPONE STORE(ラポネストア)3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(LAPONE STORE ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89mm×W63mm予定)※全11種類の内、1種をランダムでお渡し(ソロ全11種類)※絵柄はお選びいただけません。URL:https://store.lapone.jp/products?keyword=FRAME※2024年4月24日(水)AM1:00~AM10:00にてサイトメンテナンスを実施いたします。◆その他一般店3形態セット購入で、『告知ポスター』を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:B2予定)※対象店舗はこちら◆INI OFFICIAL STORE(INI FC会員限定)3形態のいずれかをご購入で、『トレカ』(OFFICIAL STORE ver.)を1枚プレゼント※各形態 全11種類の内、1種をお渡し(各形態ソロ全11種類)※ご希望メンバーを選択いただけます。・FRAME IN ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択・OVER THE FRAME ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択・MULTI-FRAME ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択<セット購入特典>■3形態セット購入で、『2L判生写真』(メンバー集合1種類)を1枚プレゼント※各形態(FRAME IN ver./OVER THE FRAME ver./MULTI-FRAME ver.)購入特典のメンバー選択可能な『トレカ』(OFFICIAL STORE ver.)も3枚プレゼントいたします。→3枚とも同メンバーのトレカとなります。さらに!W特典限定アイテム抽選キャンペーンも実施!詳細はこちら→https://store.plusmember.jp/ini/【共通注意事項】※特典は店舗・サイト毎に無くなり次第終了となります。※特典の有無に関するお問い合わせは直接各店舗へご確認ください。※一部の店舗では取り扱っていない場合がありますので、詳細は各CDショップにお問い合わせください。※予定事項につき、予告なく変更になる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。'> <Added on 6/27 (Thu)> 6th SINGLE 『THE FRAME』 Special benefits for each chain decided! |INI OFFICIAL SITE



<Added on 6/27 (Thu)> Special benefits for each chain on a first-come-first-served basis for the 6th single "THE FRAME" have been decided!

If you pre-order (purchase) INI's 6th single "THE FRAME" (FRAME IN ver./OVER THE FRAME ver./MULTI-FRAME ver.), which will be released on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at a participating store, you will receive the following first-come, first-served bonus. All bonuses will end as soon as they run out, so please make your reservation as soon as possible.

[Target store limited benefits]

◆TOWER RECORDS all stores

If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive a free trading card (TOWER RECORDS version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

①TOWER RECORDS store limited design (excluding some stores)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from TOWER RECORDS ONLINE.

Store list: https://tower.jp/store/

②TOWER RECORDS ONLINE limited design

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from the TOWER RECORDS store.

Online URL: https://tower.jp/article/feature_item/2024/04/23/0701

◆Loppi terminals at all HMV stores and Lawson stores nationwide

If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive a free trading card (HMV version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

① HMV store limited design (excluding some stores)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

*HMV&BOOKS online and Loppi have different designs.

Store list: https://www.hmv.co.jp/store/list/

②HMV&BOOKS online, Loppi limited design

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from the HMV store.

Online URL: https://www.hmv.co.jp/news/article/240419107/

◆ TSUTAYA RECORDS (excluding some stores) / TSUTAYA online shopping

If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive one trading card (TSUTAYA version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

Online URL: https://tsutaya.tsite.jp/article/music/2374.html

◆ Rakuten Books

If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive one free trading card (Rakuten Books version) (size: H89 x W63mm)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


◆ Seven Net Shopping

If you purchase a set of all three versions, you will receive one free trading card (Seven Net Shopping version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


◆Neo Wing

If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive a free trading card (Neowing version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.




Purchase any of the 3 forms and get 1 “Mega Jacket” as a gift (size: H24cm x W24cm planned)

*You will be given a mega jacket with the same design as the CD you purchased.



If you purchase a set of 3 versions, you will receive a free CD storage box (can store 3 CDs)

* 1 type out of 11 types will be handed over (all 11 types of solo)

*You can select the members you want.

* The back side has a common set of 1 type of pattern.

*Customers who make reservations by Wednesday, May 22, 2024 will be able to select their desired member.

*If you place your order after Thursday, May 23, 2024, the offer will end once stock runs out.

moreover! We will randomly deliver 110 CD storage boxes containing each member's autograph. (10 pieces for each 11 members/110 pieces in total)

* Only customers who purchase 3 types of sets will be delivered in a <delivery box with INI monogram logo>.

→Regardless of the number of orders for the 3-type set, one delivery box with the INI monogram logo will be provided per order. In addition, simultaneous packing with other products is not possible. A limited number of shipping boxes with the INI monogram logo are available. It will end as soon as it is gone.



If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive one free trading card (LAPONE STORE ver.) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


*Site maintenance will be carried out from 1:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

◆ Other general stores

If you purchase a set of 3 types, you will receive one “notice poster” (size: B2 planned)

* Click here for target stores

◆ INI OFFICIAL STORE (INI FC members only)

Purchase any of the three versions and receive a free trading card (OFFICIAL STORE ver.)

* One of the 11 types of each form will be handed over (11 types of solo for each form)

*You can select the member you want.

・FRAME IN ver. Choose one from 11 member solos

・OVER THE FRAME ver. Choose one from 11 member solos

・MULTI-FRAME ver. Choose one from 11 member solos

<Bonus for purchasing a set>

■ Purchase the 3-pack set and receive one free 2L-size photo (one of the members)

*As a purchase bonus for each version (FRAME IN ver./OVER THE FRAME ver./MULTI-FRAME ver.), you will also receive three "trading cards" (OFFICIAL STORE ver.) from which you can choose a member.

→All three are trading cards of the same members.

moreover! W privilege limited item lottery campaign is also carried out!

Click here for details → https://store.plusmember.jp/ini/

[Common precautions]

* The benefits will end as soon as they run out for each store / site.

* Please contact each store directly for inquiries regarding the availability of benefits.

* Some stores may not handle it, so please contact each CD shop for details.

*Schedules are subject to change without notice. Please note.
