

[INI OFFICIAL STORE] 6th SINGLE "THE FRAME" release commemoration! Online unit talk event to be held!

INI 6TH SINGLE『THE FRAME』の発売を記念して、INI OFFICIAL STORE限定のキャンペーンを実施いたします。

対象期間中に、6TH SINGLE『THE FRAME』を購入していただいた方の中から抽選で500名様(各ユニット100名様ずつ / 合計500名様)をオンラインユニットトーク会にご招待いたします!











Scheduled to be held on Sunday, August 11, 2024

*The dates are subject to change.


2024年6月18日(火)11:00 ~ 6月23日(日)23:59

※上記期間内に、INI OFFICIAL STORE内【※オンラインユニットトーク会応募対象商品】と記載された商品ページにてご予約いただいた方が対象となります。


Scheduled to be shipped sequentially after the release date





We will contact the winners by email separately.

*Please note that we will not send email guidance to those who have not been selected.


Release date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024


<FRAME IN ver.>【CD+DVD】¥1,727 (excluding tax) / ¥1,900 (including tax)

<OVER THE FRAME ver.>【CD+DVD】¥1,727 (excluding tax) / ¥1,900 (including tax)

<MULTI-FRAME ver.>【CD ONLY】¥1,273 (excluding tax) / ¥1,400 (including tax)


⇒ご購入はこちら(INI OFFICIAL STORE):https://store.plusmember.jp/ini/

※本キャンペーン対象商品には、INI OFFICIAL STORE限定特典(『トレカ』(OFFICIAL STORE ver.)/『2L判生写真』)は付きません。あらかじめご了承ください。




└INI OFFICIAL STOREで商品をご購入の際にご選択可能です。

●Please note that you cannot select the "Time Zone".



We are planning to use the application "WithLIVE Meet&Greet".

iOS : https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1525271943

Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.withlive.greet.meet

*This app is for smartphones or tablets. It cannot be used from a PC.

* iOS 11.0 or later, Android 6.0 or higher environment is required.



[How to apply and precautions]

※ご購入いただいた際のPlus member ID会員ご登録情報は、イベントでの本人確認で使用いたします。そのため、ご登録情報に誤りがないかご確認のうえで、ご購入ください。

*Registered personal information will be shared with LAPONE Entertainment and YOSHIMOTO KOGYO. In addition, personal information will not be used for purposes other than this event.

※お子様が参加をご希望されている場合は、お子様の情報にてPlus member IDの会員情報登録を行ってご購入してください。誤って保護者の方のご登録アカウントでご購入いただき当選しましてもお子様はご参加いただけませんので、ご注意ください。

*Benefits are subject to change. Please note.

*If you are using anti-spam measures, please set up the domain reception of "plusmember.jp" in advance.

*Please note that no changes or cancellations can be made due to customer's convenience. Please purchase within the planned range based on your own responsibility.

*Please note that we cannot respond to inquiries from overseas.

* If the organizer determines that there is interference or misconduct that lacks equality in terms of event management, such as applying with multiple accounts by the same person, the application will be invalidated and future INI-related events will be prohibited. Participation and admission are strictly prohibited.



*It is strictly prohibited to buy, sell or transfer winning rights to third parties, including family and friends. If it is discovered, the right to win will be invalidated. We also do not accept applications by proxy.

* Event participants are anti-social forces, etc. (organized crime groups, gang members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same shall apply hereinafter), or maintain, operate, or manage anti-social forces, etc. through funding or other means. If the organizer determines that the person has some sort of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, such as cooperating with or participating in shall be

≪Regarding identity verification when participating in the event≫

On the day of the event, we will physically check your identification documents. Please be sure to bring a valid ID listed below before participating. If we cannot confirm the actual item on the day, we will refuse your participation.

▼ About "Valid ID"

■ "Personal identification document with face photo"


②Driver's license

③Student ID card with face photo

*If you have a student ID with a handwritten name, please prepare one of the items (a) to (f) below or one with your name printed on it on the day of the event.

*Please note that student ID cards for those over the age of 19 will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.

④ My number card

*Please use a special card case that hides your personal number.

⑤ Basic Resident Register card

⑥ Handicapped person's notebook

・Physical disability certificate (with face photo)

・Mental disability health welfare notebook (with face photo)

・ Nursing notebook (with face photo)

⑦Residence card

⑧Special Permanent Resident Certificate

If you do not have ① to ⑧, please check the following two items (a) to (f), or one item from (a) to (f) and one or more items with your name printed or engraved. Masu. Please note that 2 points with only the name will be NG for both.

(a) Insurance card

(b) Copy of resident card

(c) family register

(d) Family register extract

(e) Seal registration certificate

(f) Pension book

■Examples of items with names printed or engraved on them

·staff identity card

・Student ID card without face photo

·credit card

·Cash card

*Please bring all official documents in the same condition as they were officially issued. Copies of resident certificates, certified copies of family registers, and extracts from family registers are valid for up to six months after issue.

*Utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) bills and various types of postal items are not acceptable, even if they have your name printed on them.

* My number notification card (without face photo) is also not acceptable.

*If you are a foreign national, please be sure to prepare your "passport" so that you can clearly identify yourself.

※외국 국적이신 분은 명확한 본인확인을 위해 여권을 반드시 준비해주세요.

※Foreign customers will need valid passport for identification.

*In all cases, copies/handwritten/expired/impossible-to-use items will not be accepted.

*Manipulating or forging identity verification documents, or using forged identity verification documents are all criminal acts.



・On the day of the event, we will physically check your identification documents. Please be sure to bring the "valid ID" specified here to participate. If we cannot confirm the actual item on the day, we will refuse your participation.

・Recording, recording, screenshots, etc. of calls by customers are strictly prohibited. If it is discovered, or if the staff judges that recording / recording is possible, the online autograph session and talk session will be forcibly terminated. Duplication, transfer, lending, and uploading to the Internet/SNS of sound recordings (including recorded data) is strictly prohibited. If we discover that you have committed any of the prohibited acts, we will refuse your participation in any future INI-related events.

・Please refrain from participating while smoking or drinking.

・Please refrain from painting your face excessively, as we cannot verify your identity. We will ask you to take the paint on the spot or refuse to participate.

・Please refrain from making excessive demands on members. Please note that we may refuse depending on the content.


・Please participate in an environment where the communication situation is stable. If the communication environment is unstable, you may not be able to use it comfortably due to freezes, etc. Please note that we can not compensate for the customer's poor environment or equipment trouble.

・If you use a mobile phone line, a separate communication fee will be charged. Communication charges will be borne by the customer, so please be careful if you are not using a communication charge flat rate service.

・The organizer will not be held responsible for any reason whatsoever if there is a problem or failure with the customer's mobile phone or network environment, or if an error such as communication is interrupted during a call. again. The organizer will not be held responsible for any damages caused by these events. Only if there is a problem caused by the organizer or the system, we will handle the transfer.

・If you are unable to participate due to your own circumstances, such as being late or the line is not connected, or if there is a problem with the communication environment on the customer's side or the terminal such as a smartphone, etc., there will be no rescheduling. Please note that we do not do this.

・We cannot respond if viewing is impossible in your area or if viewing is impossible due to other reasons. Please note.

・Forcibly terminate the conversation even in the middle of the conversation at the discretion of the staff, such as when inappropriate expressions are seen in the content of the conversation (slander of the members, questions that cannot be answered, forced poses/expressions, acts contrary to public order and morals, etc.) We may do so.

・The management staff is monitoring the progress management and security. In addition, please note that the content of the call will be recorded by the management staff.

・Members may suddenly be absent due to poor physical condition.

・We may be forced to cancel or change all or part of the event due to the new coronavirus, natural disasters, artists, or other reasons. In that case, we will not refund the product. Please note.

・Please follow the instructions of the management staff regarding all matters related to the operation of the event.

・If you do not follow these precautions, you may not be able to participate in the event. Also, the event itself may be cancelled.


