

<Added on 9/10 (Tue)> 7th SINGLE 『THE VIEW』 First come, first served bonuses for each chain decided!

2024年10月30日(水)発売のINI 7TH SINGLE『THE VIEW』(DAY VIEW ver./NIGHT VIEW ver./ODD VIEW ver.)を対象店舗にてご予約(ご購入)いただくと、下記の先着特典をプレゼントいたします。




If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive a free trading card (TOWER RECORDS version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

①TOWER RECORDS store limited design (excluding some stores)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from TOWER RECORDS ONLINE.

Store list: https://tower.jp/store/

②TOWER RECORDS ONLINE limited design

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from the TOWER RECORDS store.



If you purchase the 3-pack set, you will receive a free trading card (HMV version) (size: H89mm x W63mm)

① HMV store limited design (excluding some stores)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

*HMV&BOOKS online and Loppi have different designs.

Store list: https://www.hmv.co.jp/store/list/

②HMV&BOOKS online, Loppi limited design

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.

* The pattern is different from the HMV store.


◆ TSUTAYA RECORDS (excluding some stores) / TSUTAYA online shopping

3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(TSUTAYA ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89×W63mm予定)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


◆ Rakuten Books

3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(楽天ブックス ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89×W63mm予定)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


◆ Seven Net Shopping

3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(セブンネットショッピング ver.)を1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89×W63mm予定)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.


◆Neo Wing

3形態セット購入で、『トレカ』(Neowing ver.)1枚プレゼント(サイズ:H89×W63mm予定)

* One of the 11 types will be given at random (11 solo types)

* You cannot choose the pattern.




Purchase any of the 3 forms and get 1 “Mega Jacket” as a gift (size: H24cm x W24cm planned)

*You will be given a mega jacket with the same design as the CD you purchased.



If you purchase a set of 3 versions, you will receive a free CD storage box (can store 3 CDs)

* One of the 11 types will be handed over (all 11 solo types)

*You can select the members you want.

* The back side has a common set of 1 type of pattern.



moreover! We will randomly deliver 110 CD storage boxes containing each member's autograph. (10 pieces for each 11 members/110 pieces in total)

* Only customers who purchase 3 types of sets will be delivered in a <delivery box with INI monogram logo>.

→Regardless of the number of orders for the 3-type set, one delivery box with the INI monogram logo will be provided per order. In addition, simultaneous packing with other products is not possible. A limited number of shipping boxes with the INI monogram logo are available. It will end as soon as it is gone.





URL:https://store.lapone.jp/products?keyword=THE VIEW

◆ Other general stores

If you purchase a set of 3 types, you will receive one “notice poster” (size: B2 planned)


◆ INI OFFICIAL STORE (INI FC members only)

Purchase any of the three versions and receive a free trading card (OFFICIAL STORE ver.)

* One of the 11 types for each form will be handed over (all 11 types for each form solo)

*You can select the member you want.

・DAY VIEW ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択

・NIGHT VIEW ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択

・ODD VIEW ver. メンバーソロ全11種類から1種選択

<Bonus for purchasing a set>

■ Purchase the 3-pack set and receive one free 2L-size photo (one of the members)

※各形態(DAY VIEW ver./NIGHT VIEW ver./ODD VIEW ver.)購入特典のメンバー選択可能な『トレカ』(OFFICIAL STORE ver.)も3枚プレゼントいたします。

→ All three photos are of the same member.

moreover! W privilege limited item lottery campaign is also carried out!

Click here for details → https://store.plusmember.jp/ini/

[Common precautions]

* The design of the bonus will be released at a later date.

* The benefits will end as soon as they run out for each store / site.

* Please contact each store directly for inquiries regarding the availability of benefits.

* Some stores may not handle it, so please contact each CD shop for details.

*Schedules are subject to change without notice. Please note.
